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♥Tuesday, December 4, 2012♥

was bored and decided to go through my blogs. ahahha, its been a long time since i updated this one. reading all the old posts has been... funny? more like embarrassing. ahhahaha XD i was so naive :) and cute! :p but this blog's really dead tho o.o like noone's blogging nowadays! :) time flies~ i'm gonna be sixteen next year! but i still love kpop tho :D so not much change i guess..? past years, i've become stronger(?) and more aware of stuff.. going on... i just love solace nowadays :) and i've come to really cherish and bond with my special special T friend. i feel like i'm going through the exact stuff she is ^^ crazy isnt it? she's soo retarded it always makes me laugh, i feel super happy and not left out with her :) thankyousmyadorbsfriend! :*) heee! lazy to go on so i shall just stop with a quote.
"they dont matter, you do."

@ 8:25 AM


♥Monday, September 13, 2010♥

kay this blog is like rlly dead right now :O
:X im updating more on my tumblr(:
:D there's a taggy thr too ^^~
HAISH. today momma book tix for me. but suay siah.
the seats NG NG NG. BOOHOO x-x
nehh mind. maybe i'll just not go or just buy from someone on9.
well, if i rlly nvr go, i'll be DAMN DAMN DAMN SAD.
cannot see my jjong, dubu, hongki, seunghyun, karam, mika,jay, kwanghee, doojoon and MORE!~~~
GRR. this concert should be for Singaporeans exclusively.
x-x no off. but the ppl who are NOT Singaporeans are flooding SISTIC.
thats why A LOT of Singaporeans cant buy tix to go. :(:(
haish. shall go try my luck (:

@ 1:49 AM


♥Wednesday, September 1, 2010♥

havent post in awhile O_O
muscle aches everywhere.. bui tahan *-*
aish.. so many HW to do.. mom keeps nagging ==
真受不了。haix haix haix.. i know blog's dead LAWL.
sorry poooor bloggie x-x. there's simply no time :$
havent kpopped in two days. LOL missed it terribly~
well, this shall not be an emo post.. at least i shall try @_@
anyway, i think the lyrics from SNSD - into the new world is GREAT.
Don't wait for a miracle, there's a rough road in front of us
with obstacles and future that can't be known, yet I won't change, I can't give up.

(: thats right.. i wont give up ^^
no matter what..
oooh sorry N & K.
i forgot abt today X_X maybe in sept hols then play? sorreh~
to this person.. i dont know whats gotten into you.. you have a bad mood. yeah so? everyone has it.. at least we still dont ABANDON our friends. and you? you just simply WALK OFF. WTH. im sick and tired of you. when you want to borrow my stuff, you keep begging and begging.. and when sometimes i say no, you 'BLACK FACE' and heck care me. WTH lah who you think you are. then when i just want you to do a favor for me, you simply REJECT. uhhuh.. just a simple favor also cannot. you always can do whatever you want.. so why cant i? and now, though i dont know what you're trying to do. just. dont. do. it. and thats final.
dont blame me if you cant read! im trying to protect the interests of a person..
as well as try to vent off my anger:D
(: thats alll~ shall continue artting(:

@ 4:33 AM


♥Monday, August 23, 2010♥

Annyeong everyone!~ pls read my previous post too! But for now....
Updating on SM 2010 Asia Tour!~ Mostly SHINee(:
ENJOY~ [ this is gonna be updated. cause i found more pics but im lz ^^ ]

O-M-G~ gonna cry soon.. the song is just too touching :'(
my two biases~ what sync! saranghae-♥

biases too(:


onew at SM 2010 Asia Tour.
Perfect, he always is.


taeminnie at SM 2010 Asia Tour.
still the pretty one(:

its still burning~ brighter than ever ^^

Still glued tgt(:

key, the DIVA
still fashionista~

jonghyun, the BLING
the hawtness is overflowing~

@ 5:53 AM


♥Sunday, August 22, 2010♥

Hey guys^^ officially created tumblr! CLICK! spent lotsa time!
((: ohh and.. BLING moved up my list to #1 (L) sorry dubu! now i feel so guilty~


Labels: ,

@ 10:25 PM


♥Saturday, August 21, 2010♥

{addicted} to heenim ^^ he's just to cute , pretty , funny~ saranghae♥
i guarantee that after watching these vids, you'll die of laughter ^^.

surviving on the hope of fufilling my dream,
{♥}온유 ★ 태민★ 종현 ★ 민호 ★ 키


@ 9:21 AM


♥Friday, August 20, 2010♥

SORRIES! I forgot to mention that it is Ft. island's SeungHyun and SuJu's Kibum Birthday tmr (20/8/10). so i creating banners. LOL feel so out of practice.. so long nvr do le.. sorry if it sucks LOL.. okay waste no time!! hot i have lots ^^ nvm, anyw here they are!
[pls dont upload the image to another site without crediting me!]

@ 7:18 AM



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